While there are some good vending machine locators out there, most do not offer you many choices of locations. With traditional vending locators, the process usually entails that you give them a chunk of money, and then they go out and solicit businesses- that is, try to get locations to allow them to put your machines there. The majority of the time, you've already paid for a machine, if not several.
Usually, the extent of their work involves them just opening up a local phone directory and calling businesses to ask if they want a vendor. That's not exactly some sort of specialty work that involves insider info you aren't privy to- it's just cold calling, which anyone can do, including yourself.
What if there was an easy and free way to find out about locations that actually need and WANT a vendor- instead of paying for the shots in the dark that a locator takes, or that you spend your own valuable time taking?
Even better, what if you could set your own parameters about the locations that you would consider taking? (As in, no soon-to-close beauty shops with 3 employees in the middle of nowhere?)
Further, how awesome would it be if you could actually go TO the location and meet with the person in charge there- and know that you're not just wasting your time and theirs because THEY initiated their own search for a vendor?
Luckily, there's a great new method that can allow you to do all this and more. Check THIS out!
This service can bring the locations to YOU. Exactly how is this different than other location specialists? Simple - they don't go out soliciting locations; rather, they have a special method that brings the locations to THEM. Locations come to them because they want and need a vendor to provide snacks, food, soda, etc...

If the location matches the parameters you set when you signed up (number of employees, miles away, etc) then YOU CAN BE NOTIFIED FOR FREE just by signing up on their vendor list!
Another cool thing about this method is that you could potentially: meet with a location, find out what kind of machines would suit them best, secure the location, and THEN buy the machine. This is totally opposite of buying a machine and then paying someone to locate it for you- which is what most people do. Nothing wrong with that, but using 4VendingTips.com is a free and easy service, so why not.
Give it a try!
1 comment:
Dear Admin,
These are some useful tips about on this topic. This is very beneficial post for
Soda Machines
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